Dairy’s role in the evolution of active nutrition

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How has the active nutrition space evolved, and where does it stand today? While sports nutrition for athletes and those who partake in strenuous workouts is not new,

the active nutrition space has a broader approach and welcomes consumers at different stages of life and lifestyle.

The active nutrition category has blossomed over the past few years, especially as more people seek to improve their holistic well-being, from short-term goals for weight management and mental health to long-term proactive steps to healthy aging. In fact, over the last two years, nearly 82% of global consumers looked to improve their overall health, and 52 % said they took a more long-term approach to health.

What are consumers looking for from suggestions in active nutrition, from ingredients to formats?

Foods high in protein are of particular interest to active nutrition consumers. In fact, among consumers who say they exercised more in the past two years, their top purchases of products to aid exercise in the past six months included protein, sports and energy drinks, and high-protein beverages.

Notably, more dairy-focused options are emerging in this space, with products such as protein-rich yogurts, protein ice cream, and milk protein-based beverages attracting consumer attention.
Interestingly, active nutrition consumers find a wide range of protein sources appealing, and milk protein is placed right after whey protein and plants. This provides a clear opportunity for dairy brands to lean into traditional whey proteins in the active nutrition space or look to produce products that contain milk protein, plant protein, or a combination of both. Ingredients such as probiotics, fiber, and botanicals also attract buyers' attention due to their associated health properties. Research shows that prebiotic fiber is a substance that consumers want to add to their diet for reasons such as digestion, weight management, and satiety. Additionally, consumers associate probiotics with a wide range of potential benefits, such as support for overall well-being, weight management, and gut health.

What are the growth opportunities for dairy offerings in the active nutrition space? What is new, and what is the outlook?
The active nutrition space is constantly becoming more personalized, and consumers are looking for options that fit their specific goals and needs.

Also on the horizon are more targeted nutrition recommendations for children. New products are hitting the market, focusing more on shape, taste, and color that appeal to young athletes and children. However, there is room and demand for innovation. In particular, as parents become more aware of the importance of food in supporting their microbiomes, they are looking for products that will do the same for their children.
 For example, delicious chocolate, vanilla, and berry-flavored yogurt drinks, shakes packed with dairy and plant-based protein, and functional ingredients such as probiotics and prebiotic fiber appeal to parents and kids. Most importantly, these products must be fun and tasty, satisfying both kids' expectations for fun and taste and parents' desires to ensure their children get the nutrients they need.

Reference: https://www.dairyreporter.com



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